Be Seen, Heard, Respected and More Valued in ANY Situation

If you are struggling with...

  • Getting to the next rung of the ladder in your corporate career or entrepreneurial business...
  • Feeling disconnected from your intimate partner, perhaps even feel more like roommates than lovers...
  • Having the close relationship you want with your children, siblings, or friends...

I can help you!

In ONE complimentary 10-minute chat with me, you will experience how to communicate in a way that assures you will be truly seen, heard, respected and valued in a whole new way by everyone you encounter. Learn a simple and effective communication practice and see immediate positive results!

Misto Partella

"Working with Maryann has been a game-changer for me, my life, and my business.

Because of my work with her, I am no longer plagued with people-pleasing and easily set healthy boundaries that are respected and adhered to. And I no longer attract unsatisfying relationships that had come into my life before in ways I didn’t understand.

Day to day life with my life partner is now completely back on track and we are closer than we've ever been.

If you feel like you keep seeing the same things happening again and again in your life, but you’re not sure how, or why, despite making changes, this work WILL have an incredible impact."

- Misti Patrella, Transformational Business Coach for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Nancy Reveri

"I came to Maryann because I had been told in a work assessment that I didn’t have the “presence” to move up into a managerial position.

After working with her, I am now able to be fully present with and to people, and my team is seeking ME out and opening up to me more than they ever have. I exude unshakable confidence and was promoted to the position I wanted.

AND as a wonderful bonus, my husband and I are communicating more and at deeper levels than we have in years. We are closer than ever!
Thank you Maryann. This work truly DOES change lives!"

- Nancy Reveri, Bank Branch Manager

Kristine Seager

"Working with Maryann I was able to trust myself again and set healthy, effective boundaries with my ex. He had been showing up unexpectedly and being verbally abusive to me in front of our 6-year-old son.

Knowing how to communicate in a non-threatening way, and with the techniques she taught me that I now practice, I am able to stay calm and centered and in my own power, no matter what he says and does.
I can now respond in the moment rather than worrying in advance when there is a meeting coming up that involves him. This work changed my life!"

-  Kristine Seager, NLP Practitioner

As a busy mom of 4, wife, part-time sports coach, church volunteer and independent business representative I was so stressed out I was having trouble sleeping. My health was in jeopardy. I was experiencing high blood pressure, anxiety and depression and gaining weight that I couldn’t seem to take off.

Whenever a situation bothered me I would simply keep quiet rather than risk getting upset and yelling or, worse yet, upsetting someone else.

In working with Maryann, I have been able to come back to balance and peace within myself, am losing weight effortlessly, my blood pressure is normal, and I consistently respond to life situations from a calm, centered place within.

And, most wonderfully of all, I AM HEARD and UNDERSTOOD by my husband! What an amazing feeling to be truly heard and understood!

Now my household runs much more smoothly, my husband and kids all joyously pitch in and help around the house, I have time just for me that is encouraged by my family, my relationship with my husband and kids is more harmonious and loving, AND I am stepping up and owning my leadership in my business and it is thriving!”

 - Amy Kies Bautista

Meet Maryann

I work with women who are struggling to be seen, heard, respected and truly valued in their relationships--either personal or professional. 

Women I work with often feel trapped, their opinions are not being respected, and they are not able to be who they really are. They go from fear of speaking up to being unshakably confident in any situation by practicing the simple techniques they experience with me. 

Growing up feeling ‘muzzled’ by a fearful, narcissistic mother, and as an adult, losing my health because I had given my power away too much and too often, I am the perfect person to teach women how to speak confidently from their true feminine essence and be Heard, without being threatening to anyone.

No longer having to Push to make things happen or take on a 'masculine armor' allows you to relax into the truth of who you really are and communicate authentically from your true power. Consequently you receive the Respect and Acknowledgement you deserve at work and at home and feel truly Appreciated.


If you resonate with this, then click on the link for a complimentary session and experience in 10 minutes or less how to communicate in a way that has you respected and truly valued. You can effortlessly have deeper connections with your loved ones and have a positively lasting impact on anyone you meet.

P.S. On a personal note, you can find me hiking, doing yoga, dancing, and/or enjoying high quality dark chocolate in my off hours.


Communicate From Your True Essence

And reap the benefits at work and in your personal relationships


Your ideas are heard as you make significant contributions at work and receive genuine appreciation from your partner & children


Create instant rapport with people because they trust you immediately... without knowing why! Resolve challenges smoothly.


Get your needs met as you are able to communicate what you need and want. Plus receive genuine appreciation from others.


Learn to set healthy boundaries that are adhered to and respected without guilt! And teach your children to do the same!

Skyrocket your success, build deeper relationships, quickly resolve conflicts and feel more fulfilled and confident!

Fearlessly contribute your unique gifts
and uplift our world!

Everyone wants to be SEEN, HEARD & ACKNOWLEDGED and you can do that naturally. Experience in 10 minutes or less how to communicate from your essence and attract the people you are meant to connect with.

Maryann Is A Contributing Author
In These Publications:

If you want to learn more about Maryann and her life's journey, you can read her stories in these books.